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Through the canvas of art, the verses of poetry, and the tapestry of lived experiences, we hope to create a connection through words and feelings.

Who We Are

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The Quick Ink Times

Quick, Quirky and Quill-Powered (Two Truths and a lie - we're still working on that quill part!)

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Welcome to PAGESOFTHEMIND, a vibrant intersection where art, storytelling, and mental well-being converge in a symphony of creativity. Founded by Ben Hodgson in November of 2023, our platform is not just a space; it’s a canvas where we explore the vivid hues of life’s stories and advocate for mental health through the power of art.

The Creative Behind the Scenes

Ben, the creative mind steering this ship, has always been drawn to the allure of innovation. His entrepreneurial spirit manifested in previous ventures, including a clothing brand that found its way into the trendy landscape of Ibiza. And then there was Ventureseed Capital, an audacious consultancy firm whose name raised a few eyebrows—prompting laughter as family members humorously suggested it sounded like a sperm bank.

The Quick Ink Times

The Quick Ink Times has been created by our founder, Ben. You might be wondering: is this just another email fading into the vast abyss of your inbox, or is it the newsletter sensation you’ve been waiting for? Well, we’ll let you decide.

Newsletter 1

Newsletter 2

Exciting News!

The PAGESOFTHEMIND Shop is gearing up to offer you a curated collection of captivating books and vibrant prints that resonate with the essence of our authentic storytelling.


Dive into thought-provoking narratives that explore the tapestry of life, mental health, and the beauty of human connection.


Transform emotions into art with our collection of poetic prints that speak to the soul.

View our Returns Policy here.

Got a question? Let's hear it...

At PAGESOFTHEMIND we are always looking for new ways to connect, inspire and improve. Get in touch with the team today.