
The Quick Ink Times has been created by our founder, Ben. You might be wondering: is this just another email fading into the vast abyss of your inbox, or is it the newsletter sensation you've been waiting for? Well, we'll let you decide.

Join the conversation! The Quick Ink Times


How does one start his writing journey? A question we asked our founder Ben when he started PAGESOFTHEMIND...

Jump into our books, one poem at a time

Poetry Prints

Our collection of poetic prints are now available to order on the PAGESOFTHEMIND shop.

Turning emotions into art

Wellness Hub

Introducing the PAGESOFTHEMIND Wellness Hub, where we believe that nurturing mental well-being is an art, a science, and a journey. We have crafted a space that extends a helping hand in three essential realms: for yourself, for others, and through professional assistance.

Our Wellness Hub

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Discover our by page

Welcome to PAGESOFTHEMIND, a vibrant intersection where art, storytelling, and mental well-being converge in a symphony of creativity.

Learn more about us below.



Who We Are

Learn about PAGESOFTHEMIND, our origin, our founder Ben and our commitment.

The Quick Ink Times

From a quick chuckle to a deep dive, dive into the whismical world of The Quick Ink Times newsletter.


How The Journey Started

“How does one start his writing journey?”

Explore Books by Ben Hodgson

Ben courageously explores the depths of his own mental health journey in his debut novel. With remarkable honesty, he shares the raw challenges that formed a significant part of his transition into adulthood. Throughout this journey, he has been drawn to the fluidity of poetry, discovering a medium that allows for the expression of the human experience.

In his book, “Absent Present, and Everything Unpleasant,” Ben seamlessly intertwines poetry with art, crafting a safe space for his most profound reflections. Presently, he directs his creative energy towards his upcoming novel, “Giving, Living, and Forgiving,” which promises another exciting exploration of the human experience.

Absent, Present and Everything Unpleasant

Ben Hodgson

Giving, Living and Forgiving

Ben Hodgson

Discover Professional Help, Wellness Services and more...

Introducing the PAGESOFTHEMIND Wellness Hub, where we believe that nurturing mental well-being is an art, a science, and a journey. In this sanctuary of support, we’ve crafted a space that extends a helping hand in three essential realms: for yourself, for others, and through professional assistance.

Exciting News!

The PAGESOFTHEMIND Shop is gearing up to offer you a curated collection of captivating books and vibrant prints that resonate with the essence of our authentic storytelling.


Dive into thought-provoking narratives that explore the tapestry of life, mental health, and the beauty of human connection.


Transform emotions into art with our collection of poetic prints that speak to the soul.

Got a question? Let's hear it...

At PAGESOFTHEMIND we are always looking for new ways to connect, inspire and improve. Get in touch with the team today.